Global Strategic Intelligence

Procurement Policy

Updated: January 19, 2023

 GSI is committed to the highest internationally recognized principles for responsible business conduct, and to ensuring that our operations are equitable, sustainable, and transparent. 

Environmental Commitments

 Environmental protection and sustainability are cornerstones of our policies, and these cornerstones are given careful consideration throughout all aspects of our operations and supply chain. We work with our suppliers and sourcing partners to ensure that the resources we trade are developed in an environmentally sustainable manner.

GSI recognizes the importance of meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, in particular those that pertain to environmental protection and resource conservation. GSI also aims to conduct its operations in accordance with the principles for environmental sustainability articulated in the U.N. Global Compact. Additionally, GSI adheres to all applicable environmental laws and regulations where the company operates.

With respect to our offices and facilities, GSI participates in on-site recycling; designs its occupied space to minimize waste, energy, and water use; and imposes strict controls on air and water quality. 

Social & Human Rights Commitments

GSI adheres to the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights with respect to our advocacy, supply chain, and partnerships.

GSI has a zero-tolerance policy regarding forced labor of all kinds, including child labor and modern slavery, and uses a variety of mechanisms to eliminate these practices from our supply chains. To this end, GSI encourages our partners to collaborate with government authorities, civil society, and local communities to formalize the artisanal and small-scale mining sector and prevent practices that contribute to modern slavery.

We respect the fundamental rights of workers who are involved in the extraction of the resources we trade. GSI recognizes the Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) as well as the ILO Forced Labour Protocol. As part of these commitments, our policies establish the highest standards for employee health and safety, including anti-retaliation, anti-harassment and anti- discrimination protections, as well as equal opportunity employment with a focus on achieving greater diversity, racial equity, and inclusion. We apply these standards to our employees, and expect our suppliers and sourcing partners to apply them as well.

GSI understands the importance of securing a social license from the local communities in which we operate. We seek to operate our locations and develop in ways that empower and benefit impacted communities. To advance these goals, we collaborate with our partners on a range of social development initiatives in areas where GSI operates or its supply chain originates, and poverty alleviation. In addition, we recognize the special rights and considerations that must be taken into account when engaging with Indigenous Peoples.

Governance Commitments

GSI’s Code of Conduct and policies commit us to procuring and operating with integrity, in line with sound and ethical business practices, while building and maintaining trust relationships with our employees, commercial partners, stakeholders, government authorities, and communities. We know that acting with integrity in all aspects of our operations determines our reputation, financial strength, and public confidence in the company’s activities. We also know it is the right thing to do.

Our Code of Conduct requires persons acting on behalf of GSI to perform its activities ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations where we operate. The Code of Conduct also protects these personnel from retaliation for reporting violations of company policy and local laws.

In accordance with our Code of Conduct and our Anti-Bribery Policy, GSI makes every effort to prevent corruption and bribery, in accordance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act, and other applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations. Our policies are designed to promote fair and honest business practices, and require that any actual or potential conflicts of interest be disclosed and properly addressed.

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