Modern Slavery Statement
Updated: January 19, 2023
This statement is made and published jointly on behalf of Global Strategic Intelligence LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales, References to “GSI”, “we”, “us”, “our” or the ” firm” are to these bodies, together with the related entities that carry on the GSI business across the world.
GSI is a global law firm advising the world’s largest companies, financial institutions and governments. GSI also offers a range of adjacent professional services (including board advisory, risk advisory, fraud examinations, investigations, corporate set-ups, incubator service & brand management, and limited trust and company service provision) in some jurisdictions. We operate and are available for consultation from 6 locations, across 4 countries, advising across a broad range of industry sectors including Banks and Private Capital, Trade Finance, Digital Economy, Energy and Resources, Infrastructure, and Risk Mitigation. With a focus on quality, collaboration and a progressive culture we aim to deliver a distinctive service to our clients that sets us apart from other law firms.
We wholeheartedly support the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK) and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Aust) whose provisions assist to eradicate modern slavery, wherever it may occur, and raise public awareness of the problem. In addition to working to prevent modern slavery in our own supply chains, GSI’s Social Impact Team is also working with a range of partners to support a wide range of initiatives to eradicate all forms of modern slavery around the world.
our approach
We are committed to achieving the highest standards of ethical behavior in the conduct of our business and activities worldwide. We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and endeavor to make sure that GSI is not complicit in human rights abuses. To this end, we will not tolerate slavery or human trafficking or abusive or unfair treatment in any part of our own business or in any of our supply chains. We are generally, and in particular through our policies and practices in relation to procurement, people and culture and corporate responsibility, committed to taking steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking play no part in our own business or in our supply chains.
Our Modern Slavery Action plan, initiated by GSI’s Pro Bono and Social Impact teams, continues to draw engagement from our lawyers in legal work supporting the fight against modern slavery.
Our Operations & Supply Chain
The legal sector, in which we operate, is generally assessed as being at low risk for instances of modern slavery. We operate predominantly in countries which have been assessed by the Global Slavery Index as having both a lower prevalence of modern slavery and active government responses to dealing with the issues. Our supply chains consist primarily of the provision of low risk professional support services or office facilities, which support our partners, lawyers and staff in their work. The key components they supply us with are:
- Real estate: the location we work and are available for consultation from.
- Technology: such as IT hardware and software and print services that support our business.
- Business services: the products that we buy into our locations, for example furniture, stationery and marketing items as well as the services that we use in our offices such as catering, security and cleaning.
- Travel services: organizing and booking our travel and accommodation requirements.
- Professional services: such as external training services, external consultants and contractors and legal support services.
Policies & Procedures
Our Code of Conduct which sets out the conduct that we expect of our partners, employees, contractors and suppliers, expressly states that we will not tolerate slavery or human trafficking.
- Our Global Procurement Policy and Guidelines establishes a framework for assessing the social, environmental and ethical impacts of goods and services procured by GSI.
- Our Global Contracts Protocol and the Third-Party Risk Management Manual requires due diligence on new vendors and ongoing monitoring and management of existing vendors to GSI.
- Our Global Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Policy which covers our compliance obligations with respect to suspected proceeds of crime including those derived from criminal activity such as modern slavery.
- Our Global Social Impact Responsibility Policy which sets out our approach to supporting anti-slavery and human trafficking initiatives.
- Our Global Equal Opportunities Policy outlines our commitment to being an equal opportunity employer and providing an inclusive working environment. All partners and staff are expected to act with integrity and honesty in a manner which not only is, but encourages, fairness, inclusivity and transparency.
- Our Global Domestic Violence Policy which sets out the firm’s commitment in supporting employees who may be impacted or affected by domestic and family violence.
- Our Global Whistleblowing Protection Policy which allows staff to raise any concerns that they may have about any individuals or organizations that GSI interacts with, whether they be clients, suppliers or others.
Procurement & Supplier Due Diligence
Recruitment & Welfare of Our People
We are a law firm working across Europe, the Middle East, North America, and LATAM. As a professional services firm, people are our most valuable asset at all levels of the business.
As part of our People and Culture policies and procedures we only use reputable recruitment firms and comply with all relevant local laws and regulations. We regularly review our global recruitment procedures and providers, as well as our arrangements for employee and contractor welfare by championing mental and physical wellbeing. All employees are paid at least the minimum wage in the local jurisdiction and in London employees and contractors are paid the London Living Wage or above.
The firm has a dedicated employee assistance program which is a life management and personal support telephone service and is available to our employees 24 hours a day. This is a confidential service which is designed to support mental, physical, social and financial wellbeing.
Copies of our Modern Slavery Statements are published on our global website.
Consultation & Approval
This statement was prepared by central business services teams representing all of the above entities.